14th Annual Shane Hanchey Invitational October 9, 2022 at the Lee County Sheriffs Posse Arena, Hwy 290, Giddings
9am Open Ladies Breakaway 3 and short for $1000. 65 Roper limit. Minimum added $10K.
Invitational Tie Down 3 and short for $1750. Limit to 63 ropers. Minimum added $15K. Two ropers to be invited from the premier calf roping finals October 8th, 65 total.
See 2021 Open Tie-Down Champion, Caleb Smidt.
Entries open September 6th www.shanehancheyinvitational.com
Giddings Chamber of Commerce183 E. HempsteadGiddings, TX 78942Located in the Lee County Museum, off the Courthouse Square
Contact: (979) 542-3455Chamber email: chambergiddings@gmail.comTourism email: giddingschamber@gmail.com